This brochure gives a brief overview of my ‘Services to help School and Adult Learners on their Learning Path.’

Learners or Parents...
Can you identify with one or more of the challenges on the left hand side of the brochure on this page (as a learner or parent of a child that experience challenges)?
Then you are at the right place! I help school learners (Grade 4 and older) as well as adult learners on their learning path. My focus is on the development of thinking skills, learning skills, executive function skills, metacognitive skills, and social emotional skills.
My Goal…
As you can see from the brochure, my goal is to help learners to Become and Be More in one or more areas of their lives. This is important because all of us are ‘less’ than what we could be. If we want to grow, it is important to challenge ourselves. We also need to move out of our comfort zones and into our learning zones. We therefore need the right skills.
I love developing myself and that’s why I strive to learn new things all the time. Learning how to learn is also one of life’s most important skills. And this is the reason why I want my referrals to be positive and excited about learning too! My focus is thus on REAL Thinking and Learning and a hands-on and practical approach during sessions.
Read the testimonials of Danika and Marenique, at the bottom of this page. These testimonials will show you how they developed and improved as learners.
More information…
The brochure gives a quick overview of my services. But if you require more information you can go to ‘Services‘ or ‘Courses‘ on the main menu.
You are also welcome to send me a message via the contact form below so I can reply to you personally.
I attended Curro Durbanville for my entire schooling career (2007-2018). In Grade 7 I started with Estelle. And I continued in my high school years when I started struggling to cope with the workload, focusing and feeling overwhelmed by the syllabus.
Sometimes I felt frustrated that I could not focus in class. When doing homework in the afternoons at home I also felt overwhelmed by the tasks that I had to complete in time.
Through Estelle’s guidance and help I was able to manage my time more efficiently. I learned how to process my work in a logical way. This made it easier for me to study with the limited time that I had so that I did not feel overwhelmed.
In the beginning I can confess that it was HARD. I had to adapt and put the effort and commitment needed in to consistently study and practice the methods I were taught.
In 2018 I matriculated with 3 distinctions and university exemption.
I never regret it for a moment that I went to Estelle for help. The skills I learned with her I took with me to university where the workload is even larger than in high school.
After persevering I graduated in 2022 with 9 distinctions out of my 11 subjects for my final year studying Bcom Tourism Management at Eduvos.
To current and future high school students – Commit and you will see the results over time.
There is no quick fix so be patient with yourself.
And yes, while the ‘next episode’ button on Netflix is calling your name, remember why you decided to commit to bettering your study skills. And always aim to find a balance between studying and relaxing.
Work hard. Trust me, as it does pay off in the future!
Danika de K
Ek was in Durbanville Hoërskool. In 2012 (toe ek in Graad 10 was) het ek vir tannie Estelle begin sien.
Daardie tyd het ek baie gesukkel om my werk geleer te kry, dit te onthou en om deur die inhoud te kom in die beskikbare tyd.
My leertegnieke was glad nie goed nie. My ma het duur betaal vir ‘n kursus om beter leertegnieke aan te leer toe ek in Graad 9 was. Maar dit het my nie gehelp nie.
Die maatskappy wat die kursus aangebied het, het ook gesê ek kan enige tyd terug kom vir ‘n gratis “refresher” kursus. Maar toe ek weer wou gaan, kon hulle my nie help.
Dis toe ek van tannie Estelle gehoor het en na haar toe gegaan het. Aan die einde van ons eerste sessie, het tannie Estelle vir my gevra of ek dink die ‘Thinking Maps’ (wat deel is van die leerproses wat sy vir my sou leer) vir my sal kan werk. Sy het ook gevra of ek dit sal kan gebruik.
Aangesien ek die vorige plek se metodes nie kon onthou nie, het ek het gesê dat ek dink ek sal die ‘Thinking Maps’ kan gebruik, maar was nie seker of ek dit sou onthou nie.
Tannie Estelle het onmiddelik vir my iets gesê wat ek baie waardeer het. “Nee, moenie so praat nie. Die Here het vir jou ‘n goeie en gesonde verstand gegee so jy sal dit kan doen.” Dit het vir my gewys dat sy in my glo en ook in die leertegnieke wat vir my hoop gegee het.
Ek het nog ‘n rukkie gesukkel voor ek die ‘Thinking Maps’ mooi reg gekry het, maar dit het my baie gehelp. Ek het ook geleer om sonder my ma se hulp te leer!
Ek is nou ‘n derde jaar onderwysstudent en gebruik nou al my leervaardighede asook die ‘Thinking Maps’ om al my werk te leer, want werklik daar is niks anders wat so goed werk nie!
Ek doen tans baie goed in my toetse. Een rede daarvoor is die ‘Thinking Maps.’ As ek byvoorbeeld aanlyn-oopboektoetse skryf gebruik ek ook net my Thinking Maps, want dit is voldoende.
Ek sal absoluut vir almal ‘Thinking Maps’ aanbeveel. Dit maak jou leerwerk soveel makliker om te leer en om te onthou. Die werk voel minder (alhoewel dit nie is nie) en dit is meer georaniseerd.
Om jou einddoelwitte te bereik, moet jy goeie opsommings maak wat jy weer en weer kan gebruik om van te leer.
Marenique v N
Let's Get Started
Contact Info
Estelle Brettenny
For Intervention, assessment or training
082 430 7956
E-mail us
1 A Stepping Stone Street,
To make an appointment with me, a registered occupational therapist in Durbanville, you are welcome to get in touch, or you can book online.