As an occupational therapist, I use a Be MORE Approach. Through this approach I strive to empower school and adult learners to develop REAL Thinking and Learning skills to  become and be more effective as individuals, learners, parents or professionals.

The diagram below provides an overview of the BE MORE Approach that incorporates a Mediational Coaching Approach, a Metacognitive Approach, a REAL Thinking and Learning Approach and a Functional Medicine Approach.

“Most of us are not what we could be.
We are less.”

– Paul and Elder (2014)

Coaching Approach


REAL Thinking
and Learning Approach

Medicine Approach

Mediational Coaching to Be MORE Approach

A Mediational Coaching Approach implies that an effective mediator (e.g. therapist, educator or parent) will mediate and coach a learner to develop, use or monitor the use of cognitive functions, thinking skills, executive function skills, etc.  The interaction always takes place in the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) or learning zone and the purpose is to enhance the ‘building blocks of thinking,’ as well as executive function skills, so they can become more efficient in order to enhance higher-order thinking processes, metacognition, learning and the ability to cope with challenging tasks.

Be MORE Metacognitive Approach

A Metacognitive Approach aims to develop skills and strategies to select, apply and monitor one’s own cognitive skills to do a specific task or to solve a problem. The development of metacognitive knowledge (e.g. knowledge of self and own cognitive abilities; knowledge of the cognitive demands of a task; and knowledge of strategies), as well as metacognitive regulation (to monitor and control cognitive processes and learning) are crucial in this approach. The nurturing of metacognitive self-talk instead of negative self-talk, is a critical part of this approach.

REAL Thinking & Learning to Be MORE Approach

A REAL Thinking and Learning Approach strives to always be Realistic and Reflective, Effective, Achievable and Long-Lasting/Life-Long and to provide REAL support.  The underlying neurodevelopmental systems needed for learning health are addressed when required; the core executive functions are developed; critical thinking processes and building blocks for thinking are taught and practiced explicitly; and are infused as part of the 6 Step REAL Learning Process.

Internationally researched programs and approaches (to develop a growth-oriented mindset, executive functions, metacognition, thinking skills, etc.), as well as processes and models that I have developed and refined over a period of more than 20 years in my practice, are used.

Functional Medicine Approach

A Functional Medicine Approach focusses on the underlying causes of disease. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that aims to address the healthcare needs of the 21st century in a better way. The focus is on promoting and creating health, preventing chronic disease and not simply treating disease. Many learners lead unhealthy lifestyles; do not get the required nutrition due to bad eating habits; struggle with anxiety, stress or depression; are overloaded with extra-mural activities and do not get enough proper sleep; do not have any spiritual foundation; etc.

In my approach I make a deliberate effort to incorporate a functional medicine perspective and to educate parents and learners within my scope of knowledge.

Let's Get Started

Contact Info

Estelle Brettenny

For Intervention, assessment or training


082 430 7956


1 A Stepping Stone Street,


Be MORE Approach
is suitable for:

  • Grade 4 to Grade 12 learners and adult learners.
  • Learners that are doing well academically but that desire to develop more effective thinking skills, learning skills and coping skills.
  • Learners that are not coping too well academically but they have no formal diagnosis.
  • Learners with diagnosed problems such as ADD/ADHD or learning difficulties.
  • Learners that are not growth-oriented enough, and/or lack knowledge, skills, and strategies for optimal academic functioning and in life.
  • Learners that lack metacognitive skills and that struggle with complex cognitive processes (executive functions) such as goal setting, cognitive flexibility, organizing, prioritising, time-management, working memory, self-monitoring, etc.
  • Learners with a combination of above-mentioned difficulties or needs.

If you are interested in learning how to learn, or you would like to find out more about metacognition and how it can benefit you in your professional life, or your child in their academic life, please feel free to get in touch.