Welcome to Estelle Brettenny

A registered occupational therapist in Durbanville

Registered Occupational Therapist

I am Estelle Brettenny, a registered occupational therapist in Cape Town’s Northern Suburbs. I am extremely blessed that I have been able to dedicate more than 45 years of my professional life to empowering and supporting individuals on their journey to develop and grow to their full potential.

I am best known for my experience and work with primary school learners, high school learners, and adult learners, as well as the training of educators and professionals to fully develop metacognitive skills, thinking skills, and learning skills. I am a devoted lifelong learner and persistently strive to develop myself to BECOME MORE so that I can support and help my clients to BE MORE.

As I found that there is a real need for individuals of all ages to adapt their thinking and learning processes to keep up in this ever-changing world (as well as to become more focused on creating health and preventing chronic disease),

My focus is on:

REAL Thinking and Learning to BE MORE ©.

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson


Metacognition refers to being aware of and understanding one’s own thinking processes and also to think about one’s own thinking. Becoming aware of your own thinking process can help you to maximize your own potential to learning while also acquiring improved thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Throughout my career, I have become aware that a growing number of individuals lack the skills to cope with today’s ever-increasing academic demands. This is not only applicable to learners in primary schools; many learners never truly learn how to think or learn effectively and this could hamper one’s progress later in life as well – be it in high school, university, or even at work.

My focus therefore lies in working with individuals and groups to coach, support and empower them on their journey to Be More (and achieving their potential) by focusing on essential life skills (soft skills), e.g.:  executive functions skills, thinking skills and learning skills.

My services are best suited for:

  • Learners (Grade 4 – 12) and adult learners
  • Learners who are performing well in school but strive to develop their thinking, learning, and coping skills
  • Learners without any diagnosed learning problem but who are not coping academically
  • Learners diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or other learning difficulties
  • Learners who lack metacognitive skills, struggle with cognitive processes and executive functions. This may include organizing, prioritizing, setting goals, time-management, etc.
  • Learners with a combination of the above learning challenges
    “Ons kinders het al tevore studiemetode kursusse bygewoon om hulle te help met tegnieke wat hulle kan gebruik vir opsommings en om ook meer te leer oor die regte studiemetodes.

    Estelle het egter n hele vars benadering.

    Sy begin eers met wat die kind se mikpunt is en evalueer dan enige moontlike struikelblokke saam met die leerder wat in die pad kan staan. Hierdie is so kardinaal om motivering by die leerder te weeg te bring en ook hulle bewus te maak van goed wat hulle tyd kan steel.

    Haar opsommings tegnieke is baie goed en duidelik uiteengesit en leerders kan maklik daarna verwys om die beste opsommings tegniek te gebruik.

    Sy het n uitstekende benadering oor hoe leerders die werk kan deurgaan en sekere “clues” kan identifiseer sodat hulle makliker ook die tipe vrae oor die werk kan uitken, maar sien haar gerus vir n sessie of twee dan kry julle sommer self die “tips”direk by haar!

    Ek kan haar sterk aanbeveel vir leerders, studente en ook volwassenes.

    Dankie Estelle! Ons is baie trots op ons kinders se pragtige rapporte!”

    – Marike Mulder (ma van twee dogters)

    “Estelle ken haar vakgebied baie goed en sy verstaan presies wat elke vak volgens die CAPS curriculum behels.

    Sy ken die inhoud van al die verskeie vakke en weet ook wat in die handboeke staan en watter tekortkomings daar is.

    Sy kan dus help (in al die vakke) want sy verstaan die uitdagings wat die leerder gaan hê met die uitleg en inhoud van die handboeke om die inligting te verwerk.”

    – Werner Mulder (pa van twee dogters)

    “Ek het gesukkel met motivering om te leer, maar tannie Estelle het my gehelp om aan maniere te dink waar ek my drome sal bereik.”

    – Gabriella Mulder (Graad 6, Panorama Laerskool)

    “Tannie Estelle het my gehelp om die werk te analiseer sodat ek die belangrikste kernpunte kan uithaal, dat ek die werk beter kan verstaan en leer.

    Haar metodes help my om die werk beter te onthou.

    Sy is uitstekend met beplanning (soos met jou studierooster) wat verskriklik help as jy in die hoërskool is.”

    – Jessica Mulder (Graad 10, DF Malan Hoërskool)

    “My Daughter benefited greatly from Estelle’s learning process and strategies.

    When I first took her to Estelle she didn’t really know how to learn properly. She now gets Estelle’s “Real Learning Poster” out immediately when she starts studying for tests and exams and really enjoys the different colours she can use to highlight important facts as well as the other strategies.

    Her marks have also improved since she attended sessions with Estelle.

    Thank you Estelle for assisting my daughter with her learning process.”

    – Shelly, mother of Grade 6 daughter.

    “Estelle has changed my son’s life and mine.

    I have been trying to find a tutor for the last 6 years and gone through 8 different tutors just to teach my son how to study and summarise school work, …NOT SPOON FEED Him… but it seems most just don’t have that skill themselves…

    Since Joshua has been with Estelle she has not just taught him the skill of how to study and summarise but “REAL LEARNING” – Reflective, Effective, Achievable & Lasting.

    She supports him emotionally and helps him to put things into perspective. His marks have improved dramatically.

    You have changed our lives!
    Thank you”

    – Tracey Coetzee, mother of Grade 8 boy

    “Estelle has changed my life so much. She has taught me skills and tricks that most people don’t even know about.

    If I were to talk about my superhero, it would be Estelle as she is a superhero.

    Her work is something that is very hard to find in the world and her skills are not something that you would just find lying around in a classroom or on the street.

    If you work with Estelle, you will achieve great things. I’m very grateful that she came into my life.”

    – Joshua Coetzee, Grade 8 in Fairmont High School.

    “I am truly grateful to Estelle for the effective thinking and learning skills she has taught my daughter.

    Estelle’s focus on maximizing my daughter’s own potential to learning while acquiring improved thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills has been remarkable.

    I would highly recommend her services.”

    – Natalie, mother of Grade 6 girl in Bridge House.

    “Estelle is professional and her sessions were insightful.

    The study techniques are very helpful.

    We highly recommend Estelle’s services.”

    – Andri, mother of Gr 7 boy in El Shedai.

    “We haven’t been with you for a long time, but my son has really learned a lot from you
    and I can see that you have a passion for what you are doing.

    I would really recommend you to others.

    Thank you very much for your assistance.”

    – Trudy, mother of Gr 8 boy in Curro.

    “Ek wil baie graag vir Estelle bedank vir uitstekende diens.

    Ek het ‘n baie ongewone en ingewikkelde situasie met my man se seun wat kognitiewe beperkinge en leerprobleme het.
    Hierdie leerprobleme is moeiliker en dieper gewortel as jou algemene, normale leerprobleme.

    Dis was nie maklik om die regte onderwyshulp en spesiale onderrig vir hierdie seun te kry nie.
    Dankie tog vir Estelle wat die nodige tegnieke en strategieë het en wat ons kon help toe ons werklik desperaat gevoel het in 2020.

    Net die manier waarop sy byvoorbeeld ‘n vraag vra, help geweldig om ‘n kind te laat dink en wat die potensiaal na vore bring – die potensiaal wat dikwels nie met vandag se gewone onderwys en tutorsentrums bereik word nie.

    Estelle se metodes, passie en hulp is op ‘n “next level”!

    Mens moet nie net aanvaar dat ‘n kind nie kan leer nie!
    Estelle, baie dankie uit die diepte van ons hart!”

    – Adele van der Merwe – help 18-jarige seun met tuisonderrigkurrikulum

    “Estelle exhibits sound professionalism with students, colleagues, clients as well as with those that she mentors/supervises.

    She strives to provide the best services and shows that she constantly expands her knowledge through research and the application thereof.

    Whilst under her mentorship, she encouraged a high standard of work as well as provided the guidance to achieve this.

    She critically analyzes cases and fosters clinical reasoning to problem solve adequate solutions.

    She truly cares about empowering young professionals, clients, and students.

    I eagerly attend her courses and trainings as it provides insightful and practical tips when working with clients.”

    – Tasneem Arend, Occupational Therapist

    “As a student teacher, I was privileged to work closely with Estelle and she had a major influence on my perspective and understanding of my role as an educator.

    She became a mentor for me as I learned so much from observing her successful approach while working with teens.

    I attended a few of Estelle’s workshops and each one was incredibly valuable and added so much to my growth and professional development.

    Estelle is a powerhouse of knowledge and expertise and she is always inspiring and approachable.

    I can honestly say that she has had a profound effect on my career and my journey as a lifelong learner!

    Thank you, Estelle!”

    – Theresa Minne, HOOT Institute

    “Estelle is a knowledgeable occupational therapist that has developed dynamic ways and strategies to expertly enhance a learner’s potential.

    Her practical and functional approach makes her resources easy to use and accessible to all.

    She has the ability to expand one’s thinking and broaden one’s horizons as a professional.

    She is constantly busy to improve herself as well as the way she supports learners and other professionals.

    My own learning curve was started and exponentially motivated by what she does and who she is!”

    – Elzine du Toit, Occupational Therapist

    Let's Get Started

    Contact Info

    Estelle Brettenny

    For Intervention, assessment or training


    082 430 7956


    1 A Stepping Stone Street,


    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

    – Marianne Williamson

    My metacognitive therapeutic approach is adapted to best meet your learning requirements. To talk to a registered occupational therapist in Cape Town about you or your child’s learning difficulties or requirements, do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email.